My friend in the blog world received a comment to one of her postings that I had some strong feelings about. Here is what I posted in reply:
"I have to address your comment:
"I know that it probably would not occur to the emergent folks or to those who do not ascribe to attending church...."
First of all, that is a rude comment. It is comments like that which divide the church. It appears to me that you have had a bad experience with the "emergent folks" and that you view them as "in the wrong" or "sinful." Why else would you blatenly segregate yourself from that group, who are also Christians and love Jesus?
I am a regular church attender and do not think pastors or elders are scary, nor would it be a bad idea to talk with them. If she wants to do that, she probably will, or her friends that actually know her outside of the "blogworld" will help walk with her to go meet with them.
Either way, what's wrong with telling someone "I'll be praying for you?" In my experience, people who have a problem with that are people who don't really believe the power of prayer changes things. That it's just a saying Christians use to make themselves feel like they're doing something with the least bit of effort.
Also, if you really do have a problem with "emergent folks" don't you think it would be more effective to approach them politely rather then belittle them? I don't think Christ ever belittled the people he disagreed with. In fact, he poured their love on them and made a point to do it publicly. Instead of taking, my guess is a bad experience, out on everyone else, why don't you go to the Lord and figure out why you are so against these people who just want to spread the love of Christ, as I'm assuming you do. Why are you so negative towards your own brothers and sisters in Christ?
Christ calls us to love people unconditionally, not to judge them. We are to be accepting and loving, not condemning and rejecting. It is not our place to make calls on the state of someone's heart, nor should we be trying to. It doesn't matter if someone is black, white; straight, gay; Mormon, Christian; young, old; criminal, citizen; poor, rich; modern, postmodern; etc., we, as Christians are called to love on all of God's creation, which include everyone in the above listed groups, not just Christians.
This is purely my opinion, but I suggest next time before you go and make comments that are rash, rude, and offensive that you think about how Christ would view those comments and that you decide if it is something that would help unify the kingdom or divide it. "
What do you guys think about this person's comment? I know you can't see the whole comment, but let me put it in context for you. This guy was saying that "emergent folks" and those that don't attend church would not think of recommending going to the pastors or elders of a church to someone who is struggling with something. I took offense to that and I don't even label myself "emergent." I am just someone who loves Christ and doesn't want to see the church divided any more over petty differences and I want The Church to be a place where people feel welcomed and not condemned.
Let me know what you all think....