Have you ever wondered why it is so hard for people to love each other? I mean really, WHY is it that people have a hard time doing this?
Here we (the United States) are in the midst of a terrible tragedy from the aftermath of Katrina and people are avoiding the OBVIOUS need: love. Instead, people are trying to figure out who is to blame, arguing about the gas prices, shooting rescue helicopters, looting/trashing stores, going on TV and making fools out of themselves such as West's comment, "Bush hates blacks," etc....
I mean seriously why is it that people can't just put their own agendas aside and step up to the plate and help these people. They need love right now....many of these people have lost everything: their spouse, children, pets, home, job, memories/keepsakes (photos), dignity.
Why is it that at times like these our country is so quick to criticize rather than deal with the situation and then maybe go back and rehash the details of what "really" happened?
I have a poster that I keep in my classroom that says, "Why can't people just get along?" I wonder this all of the time. What is it that makes us feel like we always have to be right or always have to prove someone else is wrong? Why do we have to assume that everything that happens, even natural disasters, is always someone's wrong doing?
There are people all along the Gulf Coast who are hurting right now. I have heard they are in need of plus sized clothes and underwear for all ages. There are several organizations that are collecting items. I know that Feed the Children, an amazing organization, is sending 7 pounds of necessary items for every dollar that is donated to their charity. Let's break the cycle of all these crazed lunatics who aren't staying focused on the issue at hand...let's get out there and help these people whether it be through monetary donations, specific item donations, blood donations (which they are in dire need of), time donations, etc.

Let's love on these people like they've never seen before and get all the other people to shut up because they are so overwhelmed with the love being showered on these people that their agendas get pushed to the back of their mind because they are so boggled as to WHY people would step up to the plate. Let's be Jesus to those He came to save....