DIY Wooden Triangle Christmas Trees
8 years ago
My journey through life as a Follower of Christ, as a mom, and as a Marine Corps Wife!
For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21
Jesus said, If your first concern is to look after yourself, youll never find yourself. But if you forget about yourself and look to me, youll find both yourself and me.
Matthew 10:39 (The Message)
If you are really eager to give, it isnt important how much you are able to give. God wants you to give what you have, not what you don't have.
2 Corinthians 8:12 (New Living Translation)
Gandhi's Life Mission
Gandhi was asked to describe in twenty-five words or less what his life mission was...
He said, "I could do it in three: Renounce and enjoy." You renounce all worldly attachment to everything and enjoy what God gives you. You give away what you have inside yourself, your love. You're not concerned with whether it worked or didn't work, whether it was right or wrong, whether you won or lost. You just constantly flow through your life without getting attached to the results. The irony is that the less attached you are, the more you get. The more you keep circulating, the more keeps coming back to you. It's a flowing system.
What is at the heart of what you do?
Hope. There is the perspective of the person who pretends that everything is finethe shiny, happy people perspective, "this it the day God has made," but doesnt seem to acknowledge how bloody and difficult the world is.
Then there is the deconstructionist voice of despair that says, I see how rough it is and how horrible and hard life isall they have is commiserating with you.
Then there is this third category of voices of people who acknowledge how things really are and still have hope. And those are always the people who inspire me so much.
Believe That!
The U.S. women's gymnastic team was loaded with talent in 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta with names such as; Dominique Dawes and Shannon Miller. Never had a U.S. team won the gold medal in the team competition. Now on the last day of team competition, on the last apparatus, the gold medal came down to Kerri Strug and her vault.
Strug landed early on her first vault causing a serious ankle injury. The pressure was on.
Kerri went to Bela Karolyi and told him that she could not feel her leg. Bela told her that she had to go one more time.
"Do I have to do this again?" she asked.
"Can you, can you?" Bela responded.
She hesitated, "I don't know yet." Then she concluded, "I will do it, I will, I will."
Kerri Strug's affirmation cut through the building pressure of the moment - the pressure of hitting a winning vault, the pressure of doing it on an injured leg, the pressure of knowing it was up to her alone to capture the gold medal.
On her second vault with a painful injury she hit a powerful vault and stuck the landing on one leg and held it. Strug's vault captured what the USA Today proclaimed as the "greatest American team victory in the Olympics since the U.S. hockey team upset the Soviet Union in 1980."
In the gold medal ceremony, Bela Karolyi carried Kerri Strug to the podium, where her teammates supported her while she stood on one leg for the playing of the national anthem. It was the first time in Olympic history that the U.S. women's gymnastics team won the gold - it was done while defeating terrifying pressure, but that is what champions train to do!
One has to be careful what leaves their mouth. There are words of defeat, "Do I have to do this again?," and there are words of victory, "I will do it, I will, I will." What is your faith speaking?
Our faith has to speak if we are going to see results. God calls "those thing which be not as they were," (Romans 4:17). Abraham understood and operated in that principle. Certainly if our Heavenly Father and the father of our faith operated in this kind of faith, we ought to do the same!
"Speaks of things that do not exist as if they do exist (NIRV)"... is to call, to say, to speak aloud, calling those things which are not in your life as though they were.
Which of God's blessing are not in your life? Is healing not in your life? Then call it as though it were: "Everywhere I go healing and health are overtaking me. My body is strong. I am healthy! I am whole!" You have to affirm with your words that which is in your heart.
Someone may say, "Is that scriptural?" Believe that! Joel said, "Let the weak one throw out his chest and say, "I'm tough, I'm a fighter," (Joel 3:10 THE MESSAGE). Joel didn't write, "Let the weak say, 'I am feeble and I can't make it.'" No, the weak are suppose to say they are STRONG! So calling those things that be not as though they were is very scriptural!
The weak are not suppose to wait until they feel strong. If they did, they would never feel it. No, let the weak, "I am strong," (NIV), while they still feel the weakness.
Faith is not enough, faith has to be plugged in - and acted upon. When fully connected, the tongue verbalizes and the body acts on the belief in one's heart. How many times did you hear Mohammed Ali say, "I am the greatest!" And how many times did he predict to the media what round he would knock out his opponent? Ali was plugged in!
There is a familiar quote in sports, "Believe to Achieve." That statement of three words is so true no matter what you do.
As children you might remember the book, The Engine that Could. The story was about a train engine that was climbing a hill. The engine kept repeating over and over again, "I think I can. I think I can. I think I can," as it struggled to climb a steep hill. That simple affirmation statement, "I think I can," changed to, "I know I can," when the engine realized that it could climb that hill.
Are you plugged in? I hope you are. If not, start calling out the matters of your life as it they were. The time will come when you will experience the spoken truth. Stay plugged in to God's truths - He wants you to taste victory that comes from experiencing His Word - Believe that!