Monday, September 22, 2008

Veggie Tales Live: God Made You Special

I had been looking forward to this past weekend for over a month now. We took Madison to see Veggie Tales Live at our church. I absolutely love Veggie Tales and was so excited for Madison to see them! We lucked out and when I went to buy tickets there were two front row seats still available and so we were right in all of the action. Madison had a blast at the show and really enjoyed the music. It was a much longer show than I had thought (there was intermission and everything) so there were some points where Madison was a little squirmy, but the show accounted for that. For most of the second half of the show, the kids were able to go up front and dance and just be kids. :) This show was really neat. It focused on how we are all special and unique in God's eyes and that we shouldn't try to be like everyone else. Cute show, Great Message, Awesome weekend!

Alex and I also decided to adopt a little girl through World Vision while we were there. She is 5 years old and from the country of Myanmar. We are very excited to get to know her and write her letters and send her little gifts. I have wanted to do this for some time now and Alex recently mentioned to me that he'd like to do the same thing, so it was perfect that World Vision had a little table set up during intermission at the show! If adopting a child is something that interests you, World Vision is an amazing organization, 87% of their proceeds go to helping the children.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Madison's bedtime story tonight was about getting shots at the doctor and how they are supposed to help you. While Alex was reading the story Madison heard him say the word "shots" and for whatever reason that word stuck with Madison and she began saying it. Alex went and got the camera and we caught some of it on tape, so I thought I'd share it with you.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Glen Ivy Hot Springs

Yesterday I went to Glen Ivy with Emma and a few other girls for a day of pampering. For this past Mother's Day, Alex gave me a gift certificate to Glen Ivy and I hadn't had a chance to use it. Well, it was Emma's birthday yesterday and she had decided that she wanted to go to Glen Ivy, so a bunch of us girls got together and went to Corona for the day. Oh my gosh it was so much fun! We went in the mineral bath, the mud bath, the grotto, and the salt bath. Then throughout the day many of us got massages and layed out by the pool! It was an amazingly relaxing day, just what we all needed. The weather was absolutely beautiful and our lunch was fantastic. We were all saying we wish we could do this once a month. Wouldn't that be nice!

Emma, you are one of the best friends a girl could ask for! I am so blessed to have you in my life. I look forward to the many years of friendship that are ahead of us. I hope that you had a fantastic birthday. I love you friend!

Pat Green Concert

On Saturday, Alex, Madison and I went to the Pat Green concert here on base. Well, we went with the intentions of seeing Pat Green, but after being there almost four hours he still hadn't started singing yet, and we decided it was time to take Madison home and put her to bed, so after all that, we never ended up seeing Pat Green perform. We had fun while we were there though! We went down a big blow up slide (a couple of times); ate snow cones, popsicles, cheeseburgers, and pulled pork sandwiches; hung out with some of Alex's co-workers; and met a cute little puppy. Madison had a blast feeling like a big girl and getting to just be free to wander on the big open lawn. She also made friends with a little girl and they danced and played together for about twenty minutes. Here are some of our adventures captured on camera!

Sporting New York Attire For the Aunties

I miss you Auntie Jaclyn and Auntie Kami.....just wanted to let you know that I love you guys!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

We will never forget....

September 11, 2001 is a day that I will never forget and on it's anniversary I just wanted to take the time to pray for all of the families who are still feeling the affects of that horrible day. I can't believe that it's already been 7 years since the World Trade Center buildings fell. I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I found out. I can still remember every single detail of that day as if it were yesterday.

I just wanted to send out a thank you to everyone that is helping to keep our country safe from those in the military to those who serve locally at our fire stations. On this day, and every day, you risk your lives to keep us safe and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Birthday Fun

My birthday celebration started a little bit early this year. I first celebrated it with my parents over Labor Day weekend. Then my girlfriends out here in Twentynine Palms threw me a little birthday luncheon which was a blast! It was so much fun hanging out with all of those girls in addition to seeing all of our kiddos play together! There were six of us girls, 5 little ones all under 19 months, and two buns in the oven. :) Then on Saturday (my actual birthday) Alex, Madison and I went to a BBQ with a bunch of people from Alex's work down in Desert Hot Springs! We had a blast! Thank you to everyone who helped make my birthday special this year and also thank you for all of the emails, phone calls, and text messages saying happy birthday. They meant a lot!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Fun at the Park

After dinner, Madison, Alex and I went to the park behind our house. There, Madison had her first popsicle all by herself and she went on all three of the slides by herself as well. She absolutely loved going on all of the slides. Here are some pictures from our adventure!

Labor Day Weekend

For Labor Day weekend we loaded up and went to Thousand Oaks to visit my family. Alex had an extra long weekend (Friday at noon until Wednesday at noon), so we took advantage of it! As soon as Alex got off of work on Friday we raced to get everything packed and loaded in the car so that we could hit the road. I was trying to make it to my dad's volleyball practice. We hit a little bit of traffic, but nonetheless, made it just in time for practice to start. It was so nice being back on the volleyball court and just playing. I hadn't been on a court since right before we found out I was pregnant. I sure miss it! After practice we came back to the house and had dinner. After Madison went to bed, my mom and I went and bought Golden Spoon for the family! (For those of you that don't know, I'm obsessed with Golden Spoon, so it was the perfect way to end a great day)

Saturday we all got up and went to the Janss Mall. We walked around a bit, shopped a little, and had a yummy lunch at Franks Charbroiler! They have good ol' fashion cheese burgers!!! So delicious! After we got home, we just relaxed and watched tv. We had Panda Express for dinner (remember people, Alex and I live in the middle of nowhere, so we get cravings and Panda is definitely one of the places we are constantly saying we wish was closer to us). Madison even enjoyed a little Panda :) That evening we all watched the movie The Heist. Very interesting movie. It was entertaining, but not sure I'd necessarily watch it again.

Sunday we went to the Oaks Mall and did some of the same stuff as the day before, walked around, shopped and had lunch. This time we had Hot Dog on a Stick (another random craving)....I know not so healthy, but I take advantage of being able to eat out at different places when I can....most nights I am just cooking at home. Then before we left the mall I had to stop at See's candy and boy was the lady there nice. I ordered my chocolate covered toffee and went to pay for it and they lady said that I could just have it, that it was my free sample for the day! Talk about lucky! Sunday night Alex and I took advantage of my parents being around and let them watch Madison while we went out to dinner to one of my favorite hibachi restaurants: Cho Cho San. They have the best food! Alex and I enjoyed our time together and even had left overs to take home. After we got home we tried to take Madison outside to meet the doggies again (each time she has to be reintroduced to them) and it was a hoot. We were able to capture it with a couple of pictures. Once we put Madison to bed, my family and I played Tripoly (a card game for those of you who aren't familiar with it). This has become a tradition in our household. We love this game so much and you have to have at least four people to play, so whenever we are all together we try to get a game in here or there. It's sort of a combination of hearts and poker.

Monday, we just hung out and played out in the front yard, played with the dogs in the back yard, and had a yummy tri-tip dinner with baked potatoes, pineapple, and corn on the cob! It was so delicious. After dinner, watched the season opener of Prison Break. We started watching this show when it first came on and now just have to see how it finishes. It's a great show, but this needs to be the last season. They've already stretched it a bit too far.

Tuesday morning we said good-bye to my parents and then hit the road and luckily didn't hit any traffic. We're back now and enjoying the week.
Hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend and Carolyn I hope that you had a great birthday....sorry to have missed the festivities while out of town!