On Monday, April 25th, we arrived at the Disneyland Hotel around 9:00 in the morning! We took all of our stuff up to our room and then headed off to Disneyland. Our first stop for the day was the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique.
Now, when we'd been telling Madison about this trip, we told her we were going to Disneyland and that she was going to get to turn into a princess for one day as a special birthday gift from grandma and grandpa. So, naturally, we began asking her which princess she wanted to be. First, it was Belle, then it was Sleeping Beauty and then Cinderella, and then Rapunzel. Needless to say, she had trouble making up her mind because she is so in love with all of the Disney movies right now (and I'm in heaven with this phase, being the Disney nut that I am). Finally, about three days before leaving for our trip, she decided she wanted to be Sleeping Beauty because she wanted to wear a pink dress. So, we were all prepped and ready for Madison to turn into Sleeping Beauty.
Okay, so back to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, when we walked in to the Boutique, Madison was pulled in every direction as all of the gowns, shoes, accessories, and wigs were on display for pretty much every princess you can think of, including some of the popular non-princesses (Tinkerbell, Alice, Minnie Mouse). At that moment, I had a feeling Sleeping Beauty might have some competition. Madison ran back and forth between all of the beautiful dresses. She finally decided that she wanted to be Rapunzel, but the only problem was because she was so new, they didn't have all of the fun accessories to go with her. Once Madison found that out, it was back to the drawing board. We were running out of time because when her name was called for her appointment she was supposed to have picked her princess so that her Fairy God Mother in training, could take her shopping for all of the pieces that went with her outfit. Madison decided that she wanted to be Sleeping Beauty once again because she wanted a pink dress, BUT once she started looking at the accessories, she liked Cinderella's better, particularly the shoes! And, well folks, Madison is all girl...the shoes were the deciding factor. Cinderella won! (I personally was thankful that Cinderella beat out Sleeping Beauty because it was already so hot and Sleeping Beauty's dress was the only one with long sleeves and I was worried that she would overheat).

Finally, we heard them call "Princess Madison" and the transformation was getting ready to begin. Madison met her Fairy God-Mother in training, who was very sweet. Together they went over the Cinderella's section and began the "shopping" process. Madison's dress was already picked simply by virtue of picking Cinderella, but she then got to pick between two different shoes and several different accessories. Next, her Fairy God Mother told her she was going to go ask the mice if they could make a dress that fit her. We waited in the Boutique for a little bit and then we heard "Princess Madison, your outfit is ready."

So, we went back to the dressing rooms and it was sooooooo cute! When the curtain was opened Madison's dress was hanging with her shoes set up nicely underneath and all of her accessories were laid out waiting for her to put them on! I went into the dressing room with Madison and helped her begin the transformation. Madison was simply glowing! We walked out of the dressing room and showed off her outfit to Dad, Grandma and Grandpa.

We then, had to wait for her special chair to open up, so that the rest of the transformation could happen. Madison lucked out and happened to get the chair right next to a HUGE stained glass window of Cinderella's Fairy God Mother. At this point, Madison was shown three different pictures of hair styles that she could pick from and she picked the one that she said looked like Cinderella at the ball. She then got to pick out her tiara, her ring, her make-up, and her face jewel.

Once everything was picked out, the hair was started! It was so much fun to watch Madison in the spotlight. It was kind of funny though because when Madison was closing her eyes to get her make-up put on, she was starting to nod off. It had been a long day already for her (since she decided to wake up at 5:45...she couldn't contain her excitement) and I guess closing her eyes was all she needed :)

The Fairy God Mother finished up with her hair and make-up and it was time for the big reveal, but before that could happen the Fairy God Mother used her "special wand" (which dusted her hair with glitter) and waved it over her head saying, "May all your dreams come true." Disney has seriously thought of everything! They had such a cute curtain set-up that "magically" opened so that Madison could see herself all done up. She looked stunned and happy at the same time. I don't think she recognized herself. Later when she got down she told me, "Mommy, they really made me a princess." It was priceless!

After all of the finishing touches were completed, Madison was taken back to the studio for a photo session. It was too cute! They had Cinderella's carriage and a meadow with some of the "enchanted" animals. Madison had so much fun during the photo shoot, but I think her favorite part was sitting in the carriage! She didn't want to get out when it was time to leave!

Not only did this transformation make Madison feel so special, but everywhere we went throughout the park people were stopping her and telling her how beautiful she looked and some people even asked if they could take pictures with her. It definitely had it's perks; as we were leaving Sleeping Beauty's Castle and ready to venture out in to the rest of the park, we came across Mary Poppins and Burt performing with their band and they pulled Madison out with them to be apart of their song and dance, but I'll post more about that later!