For Labor Day weekend we loaded up and went to Thousand Oaks to visit my family.

Alex had an extra long weekend (Friday at noon until Wednesday at noon), so we took advantage of it! As soon as Alex got off of work on Friday we raced to get everything packed and loaded in the car so that we could hit the road. I was trying to make it to my dad's volleyball practice. We hit a little bit of traffic, but nonetheless, made it just in time for practice to start. It was so nice being back on the volleyball court and just playing. I hadn't been on a court since right before we found out I was pregnant. I sure miss it! After practice we came back to the house and had dinner. After Madison went to bed, my mom and I went and bought Golden Spoon for the family! (For those of you that don't know, I'm obsessed with Golden Spoon, so it was the perfect way to end a great day)

Saturday we all got up and went to the Janss Mall. We walked around a bit, shopped a little, and had a yummy lunch at Franks Charbroiler! They have good ol' fashion cheese burgers!!! So delicious! After we got home, we just relaxed and watched tv. We had Panda Express for dinner (remember people, Alex and I live in the middle of nowhere, so we get cravings and Panda is definitely one of the places we are constantly saying we wish was closer to us). Madison even enjoyed a little Panda :)

That evening we all watched the movie The Heist. Very interesting movie. It was entertaining, but not sure I'd necessarily watch it again.
Sunday we went to the Oaks Mall and did some of the same stuff as the day before, walked around, shopped and had lunch. This time we had Hot Dog on a Stick (another random craving)....I know not so healthy, but I take advantage of being able to eat out at different places when I can....most nights I am just cooking at home.

Then before we left the mall I had to stop at See's candy and boy was the lady there nice. I ordered my chocolate covered toffee and went to pay for it and they lady said that I could just have it, that it was my free sample for the day! Talk about lucky!

Sunday night Alex and I took advantage of my parents being around and let them watch Madison while we went out to dinner to one of my favorite hibachi restaurants: Cho Cho San. They have the best food! Alex and I enjoyed our time together and even had left overs to take home. After we got home we tried to take Madison outside to meet the doggies again (each time she has to be reintroduced to them) and it was a hoot. We were able to capture it with a couple of pictures.

Once we put Madison to bed, my family and I played Tripoly (a card game for those of you who aren't familiar with it). This has become a tradition in our household. We love this game so much and you have to have at least four people to play, so whenever we are all together we try to get a game in here or there. It's sort of a combination of hearts and poker.

Monday, we just hung out and played out in the front yard, played with the dogs in the back yard, and had a yummy tri-tip dinner with baked potatoes, pineapple, and corn on the cob! It was so delicious. After dinner, watched the season opener of Prison Break. We started watching this show when it first came on and now just have to see how it finishes. It's a great show, but this needs to be the last season. They've already stretched it a bit too far.

Tuesday morning we said good-bye to my parents and then hit the road and luckily didn't hit any traffic. We're back now and enjoying the week.
Hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend and Carolyn I hope that you had a great birthday....sorry to have missed the festivities while out of town!