Monday morning, December 15th, we got up and hit the road early to head down to Camp Pendleton to welcome home one of our best friend's 1st Lt. Jordan Caro. He deployed to Iraq in July and wasn't suppose to be back until February, but due to some circumstances in Iraq, Jordan was able to make it home in time for Christmas!!! What an awesome surprise for Emma!!!!
Well when we got on the road to head to Emma's house we had no idea what was waiting for us in Yucca Valley (about 30 miles away). We started seeing all of the mountains covered with snow...then we noticed that the sides of the road were covered with snow. It was raining while we were noticing all of this, then all of a sudden it started snowing and we realized that it had been. The roads very quickly became icy, since California isn't use to seeing snow and the roads weren't salted. It was quite scary driving, as I could feel, by the way my tires were reacting when I hit the brakes, just how slippery the road was. Once we were past the Morongo Basin it was much, much better and we didn't think anything of the snow, until we got a call saying that the roads had been closed down and they didn't know when they were going to reopen them. So for the time being we were stuck!
Here is a picture of our console and the thermometer in our car

Okay, now to the fun part of this post!!! While Alex was down at the Brig with clients all morning, Madison and I hung out with Emma and helped calm her nerves as well as helped her get ready and intercept numerous phone calls. We had so much fun while we were waiting. The day, as with most homecomings, had a couple of kinks in it, but that's what makes it memorable. Due to the weather conditions, Jordan's flight was rerouted to the Ontario Airport instead of arriving at March Air Force Base, as was the original plan. Then they had to wait for the busses to come get them and bring them home (in the rain). Here are some pictures of us waiting for the call that we should head down to the gym to wait for Jordan.
Emma on the phone (finding out Jordan is in California) while doing her hair

Once we arrived at the gym (it was pouring) we raced inside and then waited for about 30 minutes (which isn't long at all, we had perfect timing) for Jordan to arrive. We knew that they were going to be marching in to the gym in formation, so we scoped out the best spot to stand. I video taped the homecoming for Emma and Alex took pictures. Madison was our cheering section (from her stroller).

Just found out that they were outside lining up in formation

Here they come

Welcome home Jordan!!! We are so glad that you are back!! Can't wait to start our hang out times again!!! Looking forward to our Fashion Island tradition this coming Sunday!!!!