Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Whom or What Do You Worship?

I just got back from my high school group and wow!!!! The high schoolers, mine in particular, never cease to amaze me. One of my girls realized that she had let school become an idol in her life, replacing God as her number one priority. She shared this with us tonight and how God has moved in her life since she took action to stop school from overtaking her thoughts and her time. It was amazing to see the true joy in her spirit. The joy was overflowing from her heart and out of her mouth, unable to be contained. She was such an inspiration to me and to the other girls in our group.

Whenever anyone has their own wake up call to God's truth, especially dealing with what is TRULY number one in their life, it always makes me examine my life. Do I have any other gods/idols that I am putting before our Lord? Is anything hindering me from the true joy that God offers? Am I lacking anything? What is keeping me from living my life fully and 100% after Christ's example?

These questions always bring me back to reality and to the point blank fact that I truly need Christ and if He's not first, everything is out of whack. I pray that these questions would be on everyone's mind, so that they could be striving to have a full, complete life.

I'd love to hear ideas from you all on how or what you do to help keep yourself in check or accountable to the above questions.

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