Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Flashlight Love

I was driving yesterday and the sun was just low enough in the sky that my visor didn't help at all. It was simply blinding. My husband was in the car and also made a comment to me saying how blinding the sun was. He then casually said that it was like a flashlight. When it's pointed directly at you it's blinding, but when it's shining from above or from behind it guides your path and lights the way.

When Alex said this, something in me clicked. Now this may sound silly, but I saw this as a metaphor for how we are to use the light of Christ towards others.

When we get all up in other peoples faces and simply give them the spiritual truths and throw some bible verses at them we are being like the flashlight that is blinding. We aren't allowing people to see God because we're too busy blinding them and not caring to light their path.

When we build the relationship and walk along side the person we are like the light that is shining down and lighting the path. We are like the sun, warming the skin, helping someone to relax and breathe in and out. We don't blind people when we walk through life with and along side them (just as the flashlight that lights the way from above or behind), but we do blind them when we do a hit and run job when witnessing to them (just like the flashlight that shines directly in someone's eyes).

Well, those are my silly ramblings...food for thought. I love metaphors. Have a great night everyone.


Kim said...

I love metaphors! And this one is a beauty -- keep it up!

IMO said...

Wow! That was REALLY cool! What is even funnier, is that my husband and I were just talking about the same thing just a few minutes ago. I was on the computer and then I read this and called him back in the room. A great analogy for what we were speaking of! He read it too. He is a cop and really liked the "hit and run job" part. I also made the analogy of the "cop mode" and interigating someone. He said to tell you something he thought of: When cops shine flashlights in someone's eyes, they always say that it is for the cops safety, but beleivers who shine the flashlight in someone's eyes, believe that they are doing it for the person's safety, but in actuality, it's annoying and the poor person just wants to get away from it. If that makes sense.

IMO said...

I clicked on your hubby's blog--now I get it--they think alike They're all the same...