Monday, February 13, 2006

Finding the Balance

Well, last night at my community group we finished up the study on Grace and Truth that I've been writing about. It was some very interesting conversation. We discussed the importance of finding that balance between truth and grace, because without it we either appear too legalistic or too carefree (without standards).

One of the tough questions we worked through last night was: "How is it evident in your life that you have repented of your sins and know that you are saved?" Many of us had a hard time answering this question, but there was one person who had a great answer. He shared how he wrote a letter to his dad apologizing for how he'd been as he was growing up. We thought this was a great practical way and brought to a personal level. I shared that I struggled with this question because a lot of times I have a hard time forgiving myself, so I don't feel right asking God for His forgiveness, when I've can't even forgive myself. I don't know if anyone else can relate to that, but I think for me it's harder to forgive myself than it is to forgive another person. I am working on it and striving to improve in that area, but it's a tough one for me.

Anyway, that pretty much concluded our study and we're deciding next week what we will be studying in the weeks to come. Hope you all have had a great weekend. :)

~~~If you wouldn't mind praying, my husband takes the bar exam in a week. Please pray that his anxiety level would be non-existent for the test and that he will be able to easily recall all of the information he has been studying so diligently. Thank you for your prayers!!!


kyer said...

Welcome back...again!

Will definitely pray for you and also Alex next week as he battles the bar exam beast.

BTW, did you guys receive my email a few weeks ago?

wellis68 said...

Just stopping by to say Happy Valentines day.

Kim said...

Happy Valentine's Day. Praying for the hubby...

Arthur Brokop II said...

I once asked a fourth grader from a Christian home, in a Christian school setting, how they knew they were saved and what difference being saved made in their lives.
His answer was...
"Well, before when I did something wrong it didin't bother me. Now it does."
I was asked at a legal depostition how I knew that my son had repented and how I could be sure he would never commit "that" sin again.
The question was asked in the spirit of those who would mock Jesus's power to redeem and restore.
Truth and Grace? And may mercy triumph over justice! It has to make a difference.

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