Friday, December 07, 2012

What a Full Day!!!!!

The best word to describe today was full, in every sense of the word!

It began full of emotion that I felt for some dear friends of mine. As a result of this emotion, it was definitely a morning full of prayer (all day long).

Once the kids were up, it was non-stop until I just sat down to type this post! Today my friend April came over to watch Hudson for me, while I went to go volunteer in Madison's classroom. I had so much fun in Madison's class today. The kids all know me pretty well now, so it's really fun working with them. I was very thankful that Mr. Ray utilized my teaching background today and allowed me to help him with some sight word and math assessments! It made me feel very useful! :)

After I was done volunteering, April was kind enough to stay longer today so that I could go treat myself to a much needed pedicure! :) I called yesterday and made an appointment to make sure my favorite lady (Kim) was available at the time I needed to be seen! :) I walked in and she was waiting for me. Kim is seriously the best! I have been going to her now for almost 2.5 years. She, by far, gives the BEST leg massages ever. I always get the deluxe pedicure (I don't go that often, so I splurge when I do) and by the time all was said and done, I have usually received about 45 minutes of an amazing leg massage when Kim is done and today was no different. Oh how I needed that little bit of pampering :) Here is a silly picture of my feet while they were under the fan (I forgot to take one during the pedicure).

After my pedicure, I treated myself to a Subway lunch! Yum!

After the kids were done with quiet time, we played briefly and then we all got ready to go out. I hadn't told the kids what the plans were for tonight because I was trying to surprise them! Here are the kiddos ready to go out on their surprise adventure night:

Their first surprise of the night was that we were going out to dinner. I needed something quick, but I also wanted it to be healthy, so I chose Subway again! Madison scarfed down her salami, mustard, pickle and cheese sandwich, along with half of Hudson's roast beef  and cheese sandwich. Hudson gobbled up some yogurt and granola, along with half of his sandwich. This was one of the best dinner outings we have had! It was stress free and we just had a GREAT time!

Once we were all done with dinner, we headed over to the church for their Annual Family Craft Night. We had so much fun last year, so I signed us up again this year. I knew that it might be difficult with Hudson's age, but we gave it our best shot! Here we are waiting in the car before we got out to go check in.

The evening began with three of my favorite Christmas Carols (my very favorite one: O Holy Night wasn't in the mix, but it was still great). We sang, "Joy to the World," "Angels," and "Silent Night." Hudson very much likes to sing now, so here is a little video of him singing to the music they had playing before the evening began.

After the Christmas Carols, we were sent off to all of the different rooms for fun making crafts. We didn't get to go to every room simply because we ran out of time, but we sure had a blast with the things we had a chance to do. And, surprisingly, Hudson was able to do most of the crafts we were able to make it to. He was such a patient boy in his stroller when he finished before sister! We went to the frame room, where the kids were able to make their own frames. We went to the cookie decorating room, where each child was given two sugar cookies and all of the frosting and sprinkles they wanted to decorate. We also went to the bookmark room, where Madison made Button bookmarks (cute idea...they picked out two buttons and then hot glued them back to back on a large paper clip). The last room we went to was the ornament room. The kids took cinnamon ornaments (Hudson used a start and Madison used a heart) and beads and placed them on string to make a cute, yummy smelling ornament for the tree.

This is a picture of us working on Hudson's frame (see finished project above).

Once we were finished with the crafts we took a family picture in front of the Christmas Tree. There was a professional photographer (from our congregation), who was taking them. I don't have a copy of it yet. They said we should have a hard copy this weekend at church and I am working on getting a soft copy so that I can email it to Alex. 

When craft night was over, I had one more surprise for the kiddos! I drove them over to the amazing Belardo Lights, just down the street from us. Madison has loved this every year we have lived here and was excited to go back. I was super excited to take Hudson because he's at an age where he's just enamored by Christmas lights. Every time I turn our lights on at our house he says, "oooh." So, I knew if our measly little lights impressed him, that these ones were sure to blow his mind. Man, was I right! He was so stinking cute! He danced his little heart out to the music and tapped his little foot to the beat of the elves tapping their feet. Oh man! Did he sure love these lights! He was so well behaved while we were there too! He tried to touch the front lights a couple of times, but as soon as I asked him not to, he stopped!

I love the pure joy on both of their faces in both the above picture and the one below!

Well, we finished up at the Belardo Lights and headed home. We stopped to get the mail on the way to the house and we had a Christmas Package from Alex!!!! What a day!!! Below is the loot he sent us. The kids had already gone to bed when I opened it, but I think I'll give them their items tomorrow (I was going to wrap them and put them under the tree...I don't what do you guys think...wrap them and save them or let the have them now)? 

Alex also sent me an ornament. We have collected ornaments from all of the places we've been since before we were even engaged! I will talk more about that on Sunday though (that's when we're getting our tree). 

Like I said, today was a full day! This whole weekend is pretty full, but it's all fun events and activities! Praying you have a blessed weekend!

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