Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Election Day

Well, today the kids and I have been all about RED, WHITE, and BLUE!!!! The kids had on very patriotic outfits today :) Madison has been asking about the election all day!

I have been watching the news all day (at the gym, at home, at my friend's house, etc), but it's just not quite the same without my love beside me. Election Day has always been such a BIG event in our lives as a couple. We are usually at some fun BIG party watching the screen and cheering with everyone as the votes came in. Tonight I am sitting texting a few friends that I know are watching and having a text dialogue! Just so different than what we've done in the past! 

Today we had a fairly typical day. After dropping Madison off at school, Hudson and I went to the YMCA and then to Trader Joe's. Then, Hudson and I walked with Kristyle and Ashlynn to go pick up the kids. We had some wonderful girl talk time! I really enjoy our walks and how God uses them to grow our friendship! :) 

This evening we were invited to our friend Brittney's house for dinner to enjoy some yummy homemade Chicken and Dumplings (another dish I'd never had until tonight) with her and her girls! The girls all played very well and Brittney and I enjoyed watching the election updates!

There is still a long night ahead of us until we find out who our next president will be....until tomorrow!

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